Vol 7. Issue 9 / March 19, 2007

In Brief

Career Workshop Series: Scientific Writing
Scripps Research principal investigators Floyd Bloom and Ian Wilson will speak on scientific writing on Thursday, April 19, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM, as part of the Career Workshop Series for Scripps Research graduate students, postdocs, and faculty. The seminar will offer recommendations on the manuscript-writing, submission, and publication process, first-hand accounts of what journal editors look for, and examples of good and bad writing. The event will be held in the Committee Lecture Hall, Molecular Biology Building. No RSVP is necessary.

As a follow-up event, the week of May 7 Professors M.G. Finn and Luc Teyton will spearhead a two-part, hands-on manuscript writing workshop for postdocs.  Organizers seek experienced science writers and editors to help review manuscripts and to offer thoughtful feedback for the postdoc participants.  Please contact Ryan Wheeler, rwheeler@scripps.edu or x4-9740, for more information or to volunteer. 

Lunch & Learn: "Stress Reduction for the Whole Person"
Cardiologist Erminia "Mimi" Guarneri, medical director of The Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine and author of The Heart Speaks, will give a talk on "Stress Reduction for the Whole Person: Your Mind, Your Body, Your Well-Being," as part of the ongoing Lunch & Learn seminar series on Wednesday, March 28, from noon to 1 PM. Guarneri will share information on stress and how to ease the effects of stress. The event, arranged by the Office of Counseling & Psychological Services, will be held in the W.M. Keck Amphitheater, Beckman Center, on the La Jolla campus.

EH&S Introduces Battery Disposal Boxes
The Scripps Research Institute's Environmental Health & Safety Department is providing battery disposal containers in convenient locations across the Scripps Research Institute's La Jolla campus to make proper battery disposal easier for scientists and staff.

Battery disposal containers—which are hard to miss as they are shaped like a giant battery—are being installed near the automated external defibrillator (AED) in the following locations:                                   

  • Beckman, 2nd floor lobby
  • Stein, 1st floor by the elevator
  • Molecular Biology/Skaggs, lobby
  • Immunology, lobby           
  • Molecular and Experimental Medicine, lobby copy room
  • ICND, lobby
  • CIMBio, lobby           
  • Science Park 3030, first floor rear entrance
  • Science Park 3040, rear lobby near the cafeteria.
  • Science Park 3050, lobby by the elevator
  • Torrey Pines Court 3301, lobby
  • Torrey Pines Court 3377, Research Computing near magazine holders

Questions about battery disposal? Call EH&S at x4-8240.

Procedures vary to dispose of other Universal Waste materials. For laboratory-generated lamps and large batteries, call EH&S at x4-4093 to arrange pickup. For office-type electronics (computers, monitors, printers, etc.), call Environmental Services at x4-2818. For lab-type electronics (large copiers, centrifuges, water baths, etc.), call Facilities at x4-9010. 


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu