Vol 7. Issue 3 / January 29, 2007

In Brief

Library Tip: New Year = New Resources
The Kresge Library is pleased to announce increased access to online resources in 2007.

The Web of Science database now has greater depth with access back to 1900 (previously to 1945). The series Fieser & Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis is now available online.

New journals added in 2007 include Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, ChemMedChem , and Chemistry: An Asian Journal.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Kresge Library Help Desk, x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu.

Cafeteria Holds Grand Opening in 3040 Science Park Drive
A new cafeteria on the ground floor of 3040 Science Park Drive will hold its official grand opening on Monday, January 29, from 11 AM to 2 PM.

"All Scripps Research employees are welcome," says Andrew Shih, cafeteria manager. "We're excited to offer a new menu, and hope to open for dinner hours in the 3040 location soon."


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu