Vol 7. Issue 3 / January 29, 2007

ARCS® Foundation Supports Kellogg School Students

The San Diego chapter of Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS®) Foundation has donated $52,500 to The Scripps Research Institute to support nine Kellogg School of Science and Technology graduate students during the 2006-2007 academic year.

"I would like to thank the ARCS® Foundation for its continued support of our graduate students," says Jeffery Kelly, dean of graduate and postgraduate studies. "Since 1997, the San Diego chapter has awarded a total of $625,000 to 86 Kellogg School graduate scholars."

The Kellogg School chemistry students receiving the award this academic year are Noah Burns, Joie Garfunkle, Sarah Hanson, John Picuri, and Mark Tichenor; the biology students, Amber Murray, Bryan O'Neill, Gabriel Simon, and Craig Yoshioka.

Bea Hadinger, co-president of the San Diego ARCS® chapter notes, "The ARCS Foundation invests in America's scientists. Our support of TSRI graduate science students is an important part of our mission."

An all-volunteer organization dedicated to helping the best and brightest United States graduate and undergraduate science, engineering, and medical students nationwide, the ARCS® Foundation was formed by a group of women in 1958 in response to Sputnik and the lack of U.S. supremacy in the technology race.

"The need [for U.S. scientists and engineers] that existed in the late 1950s is especially acute today," notes Hadinger.

For more information on the ARCS® Foundation, see: http://www.arcsfoundation.org/.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu





Bea Hadinger (right), co-president of the San Diego ARCS® chapter, congratulates Joie Garfunkle, a Kellogg School Ph.D. candidate, on her ARCS® scholarship.