Vol 6. Issue 21 / July 3, 2006


Three Honors for Theofilopoulos
Scripps Research Institute Professor Argyrios Theofilopoulos was recently showered with honors from venerable institutions in Greece for his lifetime contributions to medicine and autoimmune research. In May, he was awarded honorary doctoral degrees from both the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Medical School and the Democritos Medical School of Alexandroupolis. In previous years, the University of Athens and the University of Patras have awarded him honorary degrees.

Theofilopoulos was also elected as a corresponding member of the Academy of Athens, a historic institution established by Plato.

A graduate of the University of Athens Medical School, Theofilopoulos came to Scripps Research (then the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation) in 1972, after completing his residency at King Paul's Hospital in Athens and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He is currently investigating the role of specific genes and of genetic susceptibility in systemic autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, to define disease pathogenesis and to develop new treatments; he also is studying the importance of T-cell homeostasis in autoimmunity, aging, and the treatment of cancer. For more information, see the Theofilopoulos/Kono lab web site and News&Views article "The Genetic I.D. of Lupus."

California Legislature Commends World Community Grid

The California State Legislature issued an official commendation to Scripps Research and IBM for progress in researching new AIDS therapies through the World Community Grid, a community of Internet users who donate unused computer time. The June 12 presentation was made by Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia (left), with (second left to right) Scripps Research Professor Arthur Olson; IBM SW Sales/Senior Location Executive William Ray; and IBM Vice President of Americas West and California Senior State Executive Wirt Cook.

Office Depot Presents Check for Neurological Research

Office Depot presents $100,000 as part of the Delray Beach-based company’s $1 million grant to fund the Office Depot Program in Neurological Diseases of Childhood at Scripps Research—the first major gift made in Florida following announcement of the institute’s expansion to Palm Beach County. Shown left to right: William Ray, Scripps Research VP for external affairs; Mary Wong, Office Depot director of community relations; Scott Busby, Scripps Research staff scientist; Jennifer Busby, Scripps Research associate director, proteomics; Anne Dufour Zuckerman, Office Depot vice president and general counsel, business law; and Steve Sauls, Office Depot vice president of corporate relations.

Masserini Charitable Trust/Wells Fargo Supports Science Outreach

Scripps Research's Education Outreach Program received a $10,000 grant from the Masserini Charitable Trust to fund four local students in the La Jolla campus's 2006 High School Student Research Education Program. The grant is administered by Wells Fargo Bank, a long-time supporter of outreach activities at the institute. Here, program director Marisela Chevez accepts the check at an awards ceremony hosted last month by M. David Schmutz, Wells Fargo vice president of private client services.



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