Vol 6. Issue 6 / February 20, 2006

In Brief

Seminar: "Writing Successful NIH Grants"
The Postdoctoral Services Office and the Society of Fellows invite all Scripps Research Institute postdocs, faculty, and graduate students to attend a NIH grant writing discussion seminar on Saturday, February 25, from 8:30 AM to 1 PM (breakfast provided) in the Keck Amphitheater, Beckman Building. This seminar, organized by Associate Professor Luc Teyton, will address developing and assessing proposal ideas, identifying funding sources, designing fundable and complete projects, as well as understanding the review criteria and surviving the proposal review process. The seminar will feature a panel of Scripps Research faculty speakers and a guest presentation by NIH-NIAID Program Officer Conrad Mallia. Grant writing handouts will be provided for all seminar attendees. No RSVP necessary. Event presentations will be made available on the Postdoctoral Services website after the event. Information about future career workshops can be found at the website as well.

Scripps Research Service Recruits Blood Donors
Because of the success of The Scripps Research Institute's Normal Blood Donor Service (NBDS) in its first year of operation, the service now needs to expand the pool of donors who can provide blood during the coming year. Donors are immediately compensated with a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $100 for a single draw, depending on the quantity of blood needed.

To qualify as a normal blood donor, individuals must:

  • Be between 18 and 65 years of age;
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds (50kg);
  • Have blood pressure between 90 and 180 mm Hg systolic and 50 and 100 mm Hg diastolic;
  • Not have undergone major surgery within the past six months;
  • Score adequately on recent hemoglobin testing;
  • Screen negative for HIV and hepatitis B and C upon entry into the program and every year after that;
  • Not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication on a daily basis.

For general information about NBDS, go to http://www.scripps.edu/researchservices/nbd/. For forms for becoming a paid donor, go to http://nbd.scripps.edu/. NBDS Coordinator Priscilla Crisler can be reached by telephone at (858) 554.2284, by fax at 858.554.2237, or by email at corelab@scripps.edu.

Library Tip: Popular Textbooks Now Online
The Kresge Library is pleased to announce the availability of Wiley Interscience Online Books. Twenty-two titles are available at present, with book chapters available as PDFs for easy printing and reading offline. An unlimited number of concurrent users may access the system using Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or Firefox (the Safari browser is not currently supported). Sample titles include: Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis; Perl Programming for Biologists; Cancer and Inflammation; and Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach. Look at all 22 Wiley InterScience Online Books in the Library's catalog, ELLeN. For more information, contact the Kresge Library Help Desk, x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu.



Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu







2005 Scientific Report Posted Online
The 2005 Scientific Report, which this year includes Scripps Florida researchers, is now available online. Send any changes or corrections to Jann Coury, at jcoury@scripps.edu.