Vol 5. Issue 32 / October 24, 2005

In Brief

Schultz Wins Ellison Senior Scholarship in Aging
Peter Schultz, Scripps Research Institute professor of chemistry and Scripps Family Chair of the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, has been selected as an Ellison Medical Foundation Senior Scholar in Aging from among a competitive field of applicants. The Ellison Medical Foundation award provides significant support to allow the development of new, creative research programs by established investigators who may not currently be conducting aging research or who may wish to develop new research programs in aging. Throughout the four-year project, Schultz and his colleagues will identify molecules that upregulate the antioxidant response element—work that may lead to new approaches for controlling age-related diseases involving reactive oxygen species.

Mayfield to Speak in Faculty Lecture Series
Associate Professor Steven Mayfield will speak on "Regulation of chloroplast translation: what we learned on our way to making therapeutic proteins in eukaryotic algae" as part of the Faculty Lecture Series on Wednesday, November 9. The lecture will be held at 5 PM in the Timken Amphitheater, Scripps Clinic, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla.

Open Enrollment Begins
Open Enrollment starts Monday, October 24 and runs through Friday, November 11, at 5 PM Pacific Time. Open Enrollment is the annual opportunity for participants to make changes to their Scripps Research benefit selections and, if eligible, enroll (or re-enroll) in the healthcare and/or dependent care spending accounts for the 2006 Plan Year. Instructions on how to access the online system are being mailed to participant homes over the weekend and should be received by Tuesday, October 25. While most changes or updates can be made through the online system, certain enrollments such as for Supplemental Life or Long Term Care require a paper application. Therefore, we urge all participants to plan accordingly and log on early to allow time to complete all paper applications if necessary. Kiosks are available in Human Resources, 3377 Torrey Pines Court, second floor, La Jolla, for employees who DO NOT have computer access.

Participants with questions regarding Open Enrollment should contact Benefits, (858) 784-8487 or benefits@scripps.edu. For more information regarding Open Enrollment, see the Open Enrollment home page, which includes a link to the online enrollment program.

Scripps La Jolla Hosts Benefits Fair and Seminars
Scripps Research La Jolla will host a Benefits Fair on Wednesday, October 26 from 10 AM to 1 PM in the Immunology Galleria. Representatives from each of the companies providing benefits, as well as Human Resources staff, will be available to answer questions and provide information. In addition, question-and-answer sessions with Human Resources staff will be held in six Scripps Research buildings. Informational sessions on the Health Care and Dependent Care Spending Accounts and Long-Term Care Insurance will be held during the next three weeks. For more information on these events, see the Open Enrollment Calendar.

Library Tip: Become a Better Searcher
Learn how to more effectively explore research topics, or to perform a better structure or reaction search. Online tutorials are available for Kresge Library databases such as Web of Science, Ovid Medline, PubMed, Beilstein, and SciFinder Scholar. Select a tutorial from the Help menu on the Library’s home page or schedule an appointment with a reference librarian for a one-on-one session. For more information, contact the Kresge Library Help Desk, x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu