Vol 5. Issue 24 / August 15, 2005

In Brief

SOF Announces Fall Poster Symposium 2005
The Society of Fellows invites postdocs, graduate students, and research assistants from The Scripps Research Institute to present a poster of their research at this year's Fall Poster Symposium, to be held in the Beckman Galleria Wednesday, October 26, from 3 to 5 PM. Posters will be accepted in four research categories: (1) Chemistry; (2) Immunology/Cell Biology; (3) Molecular Biology/Molecular & Experimental Medicine; (4) Neurobiology/Neuropharmacology. The deadline for entry is September 30. All poster presenters will receive a $20 UCSD Book Store gift card. Winners in each of the categories will receive travel scholarships. Send abstracts or questions about this event to rpanto@scripps.edu. For details of the required abstract format, please visit: http://www.scripps.edu/services/sof/.

Golf Standings—And the Winners Are…
For those of you who haven’t yet heard, the results of the Tenth Annual Scripps Research Golf Tournament at the Rancho Bernardo Inn and Country Club August 4 were:

  • First Place: John Elder, Jeff Gosselin, Scott Beale, and Dennis Hilner, at 14 under par.
  • Second Place: Larry Ley, Scott England, Tom Johnson, and Kristi Munn, at 12 under par.
  • Third Place: Kim Janda, Paula Foley, Matt Foley, and Grant Boldt, at 10 under par.

Library Tip: How to Find Journal Rankings
What are the top-ranked journals in organic chemistry? In cell biology? In immunology? Journal Citation Reports provides journal performance metrics for nearly 6,000 scientific journals at the isiknowledge.com web site. Choose a subject category then select the ranking method you prefer: impact factor, total citations, cited half-life, or immediacy index. For more information, contact the Kresge Library Help Desk, helplib@scripps.edu or x4-8705.

Benefits Reminder: Consider Using Network Providers
Benefits Administration would like to remind all employees enrolled in Scripps Research health plans that they should consider using network providers in order to get the highest level of coverage. CCN, which has a comprehensive network of providers throughout the United States, is the provider network under Scripps Research’s medical plan. For a listing of providers in your area, visit and click on “Provider Directory.” For information on how to locate a network provider for dental, vision, prescription or mental health plans, visit the Benefits web site for provider directory links. For additional assistance, please contact Benefits Administration at x4-8487 or benefits@scripps.edu.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu



Entering Class Gets Off to an Early Start

First-year students in the Kellogg School of Science and Technology have arrived on the La Jolla campus. Here, they learn about some of the resources available to them at Scripps Research.