Vol 5. Issue 22 / July 18, 2005

In Brief

Ethics in Science Course
Scripps Research’s Annual “Ethics in Science” Coursefor new, first-year research associates/postdoctoral fellows on the La Jolla campus will be held on Tuesday, September 20, and Tuesday, September 27 from 9 AM to noon in the Valerie Timken Amphitheater, Scripps Green Hospital. The instructor will be Thomas Northrup of the Scripps Research Office of Patent Counsel. All research associates on the main campus who have not previously attended this Scripps Research course are required to register for one of the classes. Registration forms and information will be mailed out the first week of August. For additional information, please contact Bethany Crandell, Office of Technology Development, x4-9390.

Library Tip: Free print subscription to Cell
Get your free individual subscription to Cell delivered to your lab or home through Elsevier and Cell Press's Affiliated Subscription Program. As a benefit of the Kresge Library's institutional license to Cell, Scripps Research scientists can sign up for their own free print subscription to one of the most highly respected journals in the life sciences. To sign up for this offer, fill out the form at Cell's "Free Subscription Offer" site. For more information, contact the Kresge Library, x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu.

FYI-Florida Joins E-Mail Lists
Among the Scripps Research email lists is now one that reaches Scripps Florida faculty and staff. This list can be used for communications to the Scripps Florida community as a whole.  To send a message to the list, simply send the email you want distributed to fyi-florida@scripps.edu. For more information on Scripps Research e-mail lists, see the Scripps Research Mailing List web page. For more information on FYI-Florida, contact Joel Zysman, joelz@scripps.edu.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Finances (But Were Afraid to Ask)
Human Resources will present the Seventh Annual Financial Awareness Week at Scripps Research’s La Jolla campus, Monday, July 25 to Friday, July 29.  Presentations, given by representatives from financial and retirement organizations, will focus on targeted areas of interest both to those just starting to plan for a successful financial future and to those nearing retirement. Refreshments will be served and prizes will be raffled at each presentation. For further information on the presentations and/or making an appointment for an individual consultation, see the Financial Awareness Week web page.

Benefit Reminder: Travel Assistance
Benefits Administration would like to remind benefit-eligible employees of a travel benefit available at no cost to anyone enrolled in Scripps Research’s Group Term Life Insurance.  ING, our Group Term Life provider, has partnered with WorldNet to offer a 24-hour travel assistance service to provide you with a comprehensive range of medical, legal, and travel information and coordination. The service can help you with almost any emergency you may have while traveling abroad (for up to 90 days on any single trip) or here in the United States if more than 100 miles away from home.  Before you leave, the service can provide you with information about passports/visas, weather, currency and more.  If you have a medical emergency while traveling, WorldNet can locate medical care, guarantee medical payments, help coordinate your insurance coverage, and provide emergency evacuation, repatriation and more.  It can also help with lost baggage and tickets, prescription drug replacement and translation/interpretation. 

No additional enrollment is required.  To contact WorldNet while in the United States, call toll-free, 1-800-859-2821.  From any other country, call collect to 1-305-861-6372.  This benefit is only available to those enrolled in Scripps Research’s Group Term Life Insurance.  If you have any questions about this benefit, contact Benefits Administration, x4-8487 or benefits@scripps.edu.       

Holiday Schedule for 2006
Benefits Administration would like to announce the 2006 Holiday Schedule has been posted.

In 2006, employees will have one floating holiday. As a reminder, a maximum of 16 floating holiday hours (pro-rated for part-time employees) can be accrued at any given time. If you currently have 16 floating holiday hours accrued, you will not earn the floating holiday in 2006 unless you use at least one floating holiday between now and the end of 2005. To find out how many floating holiday hours you currently have, refer to the top left corner of your pay stub under “FL Hol Bal.” Contact Benefits, x4-8487 or benefits@scripps.edu, with any questions.   


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu




A Tale of Two Picnics

Scripps Research employees in La Jolla (top) and in Palm Beach County celebrated summer with campus picnics.