Vol 3. Issue 35 / November 15, 2004

In Brief

Lunch and Learn: "Resilience: Bouncing Back from Adversity"
Clinical psychologist Jeff Jones of the Scripps Research Counseling and Postdoctoral Services Department will speak on "Resilience: Bouncing Back from Adversity," on Wednesday, November 17, from noon to 1 PM. The seminar will address the topic of how to effectively adapt to difficult life experiences, including defining resilience, offering 10 strategies for building resilience, and discussing the benefits of learning from your past. The event, which was arranged by Jan Hill of Counseling and Postdoctoral Services, will be held in the W.M. Keck Amphitheater, The Beckman Center for Chemical Sciences. No reservations are necessary.

New English-as-a-Second-Language Classes Begin
A new series of English-as-a-Second-Language classes will begin on Tuesday, November 16. Instructor Cassandra Wadkin's class meets from 6:30 to 8:30 PM every Tuesday evening in the Immunology Building West Conference Room. The price for three months (12 classes) is $60.

Each intermediate-level English class is divided into speaking and listening, idioms and vocabulary, and reading and writing. If you would like to improve your English and your understanding of your friends and colleagues, movies, television shows, and the news, this class is for you. The class uses movies, games, television shows, grammar books, songs, drawing and novels to teach standard American English. Have fun and learn English at the same time!

For more information, please leave a message at x4-2176.

Help with Holiday Baskets
The Scripps Research volunteer organization ScrippsAssists will be working with a seniors group to prepare holiday baskets. Employees can help by:

  • Collecting items in your work area. If interested, please contact Helen Plutner, plutnerh@scripps.edu or x4-8257.

  • Donating items to the collection baskets. The following items are needed: holiday gifts, stationery, magnifying glasses, hats, gloves, scarves, calendars, flashlights, small denomination food gift certificates, socks, slippers, and other items listed on the holiday basket flyer. This year, ScrippsAssists is collecting some food items, such as individual packs of hot chocolate, tea, apple sauce cups, instant soups, canned juices/ juice packs, pop top vegetables or fruit, and dried fruit. Please note that baskets and many toiletry items—soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving cream, and razors—are ALREADY PURCHASED. Only a few kinds of toiletry items, such as lotions, chapstick, mouthwash, and cologne, are needed.

  • Making cash donations to cover the cost of baskets, cellophane wrapping, and toiletries. All donations should be sent to Plutner, mail drop MB6. Please make checks payable to "ScrippsAssists."

  • Preparing the baskets. Volunteers will meet on Tuesday, December 7 and Thursday, December 9 from 5 to 7 PM to assemble the baskets. Kids and friends are welcome and refreshments will be provided. Baskets will be delivered to the van on Friday, December 10 around lunchtime. To sign up, please contact Plutner, plutnerh@scripps.edu or x4-8257.

  • Buying raffle tickets at the Scripps Research Fall Craft Fair on Friday, December 10. Proceeds will support the holiday basket project.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu