Steve Head
Title: Director, DNA Array Core Facility, The Scripps Research Institute.
Duties: Overseeing the DNA Array Core Facility, which includes supervising staff, consulting with labs to provide background on array technology and information on experimental design, offering support for data analysis, and writing grants.
Started at Scripps Research: 1998, when DNA array chips—a technology that uses highly parallel processing for gene expression and discovery studies—was starting to take off.
"I was initially hired for one year to see if a DNA array core facility was feasible on campus. In the beginning, the facility consisted of a phone, a computer, and a basement office I shared with two postdocs."
Today the facility consists of seven full-time staff, a collection of advanced instrumentation, and several rooms in the 3050 Science Park Drive building. In addition to support from Scripps Research, it is funded by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health (the Scripps NeuroAIDS Preclinical Studies Center), the National Institute of General Medical Science (the Consortium for Functional Glycomics), the National Eye Institute, the National Center for Research Resources (General Clinical Research Center), and the National Cancer Institute.
Goals: "Developing novel applications for array technology. Working closely with investigators to solve problems. Keeping up with technological advances."
Favorite Part of Job: "I enjoy working with different investigators on a wide variety of projects, as well as interacting with a great group in the lab."
Biggest Challenges: Keeping up with the latest data analysis methods and raising money.
Background: A native of San Diego, Steve Head attended the University of California, San Diego, graduating with a MS degree in biology. He worked for a biotechnology company on the East Coast before joining Scripps Research.
Extracurriculars: Mountain climbing, especially in the Sierra mountains, spending time with his wife, Carrie, and hoping his teenage children are behaving well.
For More Information on the DNA Array Core Facility: See the recently redesigned web site at:
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