Dave Freeman
Title: Multimedia technician.
Duties: Meeting the audiovisual needs of scientists,
students, and staff at the institute. This includes a variety
of tasks, including setting up equipment for thesis defenses,
lectures, and Board meetings, videotaping events and experiments,
and staffing faculty and student retreats. Freeman also handles
equipment maintenance and is on-call to help with problems.
"The conveyance of information is critically important for
science. I am proud to be part of that."
Goal: "Event-free events."
Started at TSRI: 1997.
Favorite Part of Job: "When a visiting investigator
tells me that giving a lecture here was a great experience
and the audiovisual support was terrific."
Advice to Speakers: "Get to the conference room or
lecture hall early to make sure the equipment works with what
you have to use it for. That way, if there's a problem, we'll
have time to fix it before the talk. It there's no problem,
you can relax and go get a cup of coffee."
Future Services: The Biomedical Graphics Department
will soon be offering video recordings in a DVD format.
Background: Freeman worked as an audiovisual technician
at the Scripps Clinic before coming to TSRI. He has also worked
in video production for movies and commercials
Extracurriculars: Photography, zoo membership, tennis,
hiking, camping, and backpacking. "I grew up in San Diego,
so I know the backcountry really well. I love being outdoors
and exploring."