The Graduating Students

The 29 individuals who are graduating from The Scripps Research Institute's Kellogg School of Science and Technology this week are listed below, with the names of their advisors and thesis titles.


Amy Christine Beltran

Determinants of Dimerization and DNA-Binding Specificity Amongst Basic-Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors

Advisor: Joel M. Gottesfeld, professor, Department of Molecular Biology

Federico Bernal

Chemistry Inspired by Marine Toxins
1. Synthesis and Functionalization of the ABCD Domain of Azaspiracid
2. Ketene Aminal Phosphates: Dienes and Organometallic Couplings

Advisor: K.C. Nicolaou, professor and chairman, Department of Chemistry

John W. Blankenship

Chemical and Biophysical Approaches to Understanding Protein Stability

Advisor: Philip E. Dawson, assistant professor, Department of Cell Biology

Eli Chapman

Mechanism, Inhibition, and Synthetic Utility of Sulfotransferases

Advisor: Chi-Huey Wong, professor, Department of Chemistry



Changshou Gao

Development of Protein VII and Protein IX as the New Platforms for Phage Display

Advisor: Kim D. Janda, professor, Departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biology


Simone Graber

Glutamate Induced Loss of Neuronal Dendritic Spines: Reversibility, Molecular Mechanisms, and Functional Implications

Advisor: Shelley L. Halpain, associate professor, Department of Cell Biology

David L. F. Gray

Photochemical Benzannulation Applied to the Total Synthesis of Hybocarpone and Hamigerans

Advisor: K.C. Nicolaou, professor and chair, Department of Chemistry

Michael A. Hanson

Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase: Structural Determination, Molecular Adaptation, and Biophysical Analysis

Advisor: Raymond C. Stevens, professor, Department of Molecular Biology

Fraser Alan Hof

Self-Assembled Tetrameric Capsules

Advisor: Julius Rebek, Jr., professor, Department of Chemistry

Jason S. Iacovoni

GeneHuggers: In Silico Detection of Transcriptional Regulatory Motifs Using Genomic Sequence and DNA Microarray Data

Advisor: Peter K. Vogt, professor, Department of Molecular Biology

Roshan Kumar

Design and Evolution of RNAs that Catalyze Complex Reactions

Advisor: Gerald F. Joyce, professor, Departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biology

Karen Kustedjo

Part I. Application of a Genomic Screen for BBB-Specific Genes
Part II. Studies on TorsinA, an ER-Lumenally Associated Membrane Protein Associated with Early-Onset Torsion Dystonia

Advisor: Benjamin F. Cravatt, associate professor, Departments of Cell Biology and Chemistry

Nicholas A. Larsen

Structural Studies of Protein Therapeutics for Cocaine Addiction

Advisor: Ian A. Wilson, professor, Department of Molecular Biology


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