Stacy Evans
Title: Administrative assistant, Office of Graduate
Duties: Fielding questions about the program from
prospective students; organizing applications and recruitment
visits; enrolling new students; helping incoming students
settle in; organizing classes; keeping track of grades, tests,
and evaluations; organizing annual committee meetings for
each student; scheduling students' thesis defenses.
Started at TSRI: 1996. "The graduate program had less
than 100 students when I started. Now there are about 170."
Goal: "I want the students to feel comfortable coming
to me if they need anything."
Thoughts About the Job: "I've got the best job at
the institute. I like the variety. Every day is different.
I enjoy interacting with the students and watching them progress
in the graduate program and in their personal lives."
Background: Grew up in Washington State, north of
Seattle. Associate of science degree from Kelsey-Jenney College.
After graduation, work in the dean's office at her alma matter.
Extracurriculars: Crafts such as quilting, sewing,
cross-stitching, and jewelry-making; outdoor activities such
as fishing, hiking, camping, and canoeing with her husband,
"I want the students to feel comfortable coming to me if they
need anything," says Stacy Evans of the Office of Graduate
Studies. Photo by Kevin Fung.