Vivian Lodes
Title: Events Coordinator.
Duties: Duties include:
- Organizing four major events per yearthe TSRI-wide
picnic (scheduled for July 19 this year), the annual employee
recognition banquet, the annual director's meeting at the
zoo, and the Shared and Support Services Holiday Party.
- Scheduling the "floats," two administrative assistants
who work full-time for TSRI, filling in where needed at
the institute.
- Scheduling TSRI employment representatives to attend
job fairs sponsored by universities and community venues.
- Coordinating the quarterly directors and managers meeting.
- Acting as the Human Resources contact for postdocs and
work-study participants.
- Organizing orientations for new employees.
Favorite Part of Job: "Probably having met almost
everyone at the institute, at least by phone." She also thrives
on taking care of details.
Favorite Work Tool: Her notebook. "I record almost
every call I receive."
Started at TSRI: 1996.
Promoted to Current Position: January 2002.
Background: On-the-job training in bookkeeping and
accounting, work in the biotech industry.
Extracurriculars: Cooking. "I've gotten to the point
where I can read a recipe and know what it will taste like."
Crafts, including sewing, quilting, needlework, plastic canvas
and cross-stitching. Cruisesmost recently to Acapulco.
TSRI Activities: Organizing the campus weight-watchers
group, which has been going strong for three years. Participating
in the TSRI Craft Faire.
Pets: Two cats, Dusty (17 years old) and Mooky (one
year old). "The little one keeps the older one interested
in life."<
Vivian Lodes was promoted to events coordinator early this
year. Photo by Kevin Fung.