In Brief

TSRI Trustee Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame
Herb Boyer, a member of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) Board of Trustees, was recently inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, which celebrates the creative and entrepreneurial spirit of great inventors.

According to the National Inventors Hall of Fame, "Boyer was with the University of California, San Francisco, when he began investigating DNA with Stan Cohen. Their experiments marked the beginning of genetic engineering and launched the multi-billion dollar biotechnology industry. By early 1973, Boyer and Cohen determined that they were able to add genes from an organism to a simple cell; the genes would then replicate in the cell. Their recombinant DNA patents generated over $250 million in royalties before expiring. Recombinant DNA technology is considered the most significant achievement in molecular biology since Watson & Crick's work in 1953. After working with Cohen, Boyer joined forces with venture capitalist Robert Swanson to create the biotechnology firm Genentech, Inc. Since its founding in 1976, Genentech has produced a number of firsts such as genetically engineered human insulin. Genetically altered crops are also being researched to deal with global food supply issues."

Janda to Speak as Part of Faculty Lecture Series
Professor Kim Janda will speak on "Biocatalysis, Combinatorial Chemistry, and Immunopharmacotherapy" as part of the Faculty Lecuture Series on Wednesday, January 16, at 5 PM. The lecture will be held in the Timken Amphitheater, Scripps Clinic, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road.

Changes in Retirement Plan Delayed by State
Previously, it was announced that the federal government had passed the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), which included changes in the law designed to allow employees to save more for retirement. The law went into effect at the beginning of the year on the federal level.

Several states, California included, have not yet adopted this legislation, conforming state tax law to these changes. The concern in California is that these changes will adversely impact their revenues.

Assuming California does not comply with federal law before the end of the year, increasing the benefits or making other changes to conform to the new law could have catastrophic effects on TSRI's retirement plan–up to and including plan disqualification for state purposes.

Therefore, TSRI has decided to delay implementation of the new EGTRRA changes until such time that they have been adopted by the California State Legislature.

What this means to you is:

1. The Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan 403(b) maximum remains at 20 percent of your income or $10,500.00 whichever is less.

2. No catch-up contributions will be allowed for participants age 50 and older.

3. No rollovers will be facilitated between plans of different internal revenue codes i.e. 403(b), 401a) 457(b).

4. In the meantime, Human Resources will continue to keep you informed of any progress towards the implementation of these new tax laws by the state.

Lunch and Learn: "The Reluctant Caregivers"
Univeersity of San Diego Sociology Professor Anne Hendershott will present "The Reluctant Caregivers" as part of the ongoing "Lunch and Learn" seminar series, on Wednesday, January 16 from noon to 1 PM, in the W.M. Keck Amphitheater, The Beckman Center for Chemical Sciences. No registration is necessary. If more information is needed, contact Jan Hill x4-2950.

Attention Flexible Spending Account Participants
If you participated in the Healthcare Spending Account (HCSA) during the 2001 plan year, Benefits Administration would like to remind you that March 31, 2002, is the deadline for submitting reimbursement claims to EBS.

All claims for services rendered during 2001 should be sent to EBS for reimbursement. Do not send claims for 2001 to Barney & Barney, as this will delay your reimbursement. EBS claim forms are available in the Human Resources Department. You can pick up forms between 8 AM and 5 PM or request them by contacting Benefits Administration at x4-8487 or email

Effective January 1, 2002, Barney & Barney is processing claims for services rendered in the 2002 plan year. Reimbursement forms for the 2002 Health Care Spending Account and Dependent Care Spending Account administered by Barney & Barney are also available in the Human Resources Department. In addition, you can download the forms from the Benefits Administration web page. Remember, Barney & Barney is only processing claims for services rendered in the 2002 plan year.

Tuition Reimbursement Deadline Approaches
Human Resources would like to remind TSRI employees that tuition reimbursement requests for courses completed during the 2001 calendar year must be received in Human Resources no later than January 31, 2002. Please contact Jan-Michael Silbaugh at x4-9212 with any questions

TB Screenings, Hepatitis B Immunizations, and Serum Draws
On Monday, January 14, Wednesday, January 16, and Friday January 18, personnel from Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group will be on-site to conduct TB Screenings, Hepatitis B Immunizations and serum draws. The clinics will be conducted in Building 3301 N. Torrey Pines Court, Conference Room P1 from 11 AM to 2 PM on each of the three dates noted above.

Employees participating in any of these programs need not make an appointment but should show up at the scheduled times. TB screening requires a 48 to 72 hour follow-up. For example, individuals receiving the TB screen on Monday will need to return on Wednesday, individuals screened on Wednesday will need to return on Friday. Initiation of the TB screening process will not be available on Friday, but Hepatitis B immunization and serum draws will be available.

For more information, please contact Rachel Longville in Environmental Health & Safety at ext. 4-8240, or e-mail


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