Nancy Curry
Title: Software support specialist, but Id
prefer to be known as the person who helps with Microsoft
Office tools.
Job Focus: Offers weekly classes open to anyone at
The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI). Also assists individuals
on an ad hoc basis.
Expertise: Software including the Microsoft Office
suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Acrobat, Eudora, and Netscape.
Departmental Affiliations: Human Resources, Research
Best Part of her Job: "There are so many software
commands and procedures that are not documented. Its
like a game for me to figure out how to get things done. Its
a great feeling to figure out a trick works the same way in
more than one program. And I like helping people, too."
Background: Curry has been in the training field
much of her career. She started working at TSRI in March 1999.
Hobbies: Lots of crafts, including beadwork, lapidary
work (grinding and polishing stones), silver work, crocheting"but
not sewing. I dont like having a sewing machine between
me and what Im working on."