Karen Marcus to Assist Scripps Florida with Government and Community Relations
JUPITER, FL – April 18, 2013 – The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has contracted with former County Commissioner Karen Marcus to provide advice and assistance in community and government relations.
“I’m delighted we’ll have the benefit of Karen’s insights and knowledge of the Palm Beach community,” said TSRI President and CEO Michael A. Marletta. “We look forward to continuing to partner with organizations throughout the county and state, and Karen is a natural choice to help us do that.”
Marcus was a member of the Palm Beach County Commission for 28 years before retiring last December because of term limits.
“Having worked to bring Scripps Florida to Palm Beach County, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to be part of the institute’s continued success,” Marcus said.
In her new role with Scripps Florida, Marcus will keep the institute informed about local, regional and state-wide events, legislation and activities; connect the institute with key organizations throughout the state; and raise awareness about Scripps Florida’s initiatives and programs.
Not included in her duties is lobbying with the Palm Beach County Commission, as rules prohibit former commissioners from lobbying that entity for two years after they leave office.
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