Paste sequence:
Output sequence:

Purines -

Leading -

Return top

Truncate to -mer

Search sequences for strings of consecutive purines. beginning of 1st consecutive purines beginning of 2nd consecutive purines | | NNNNRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNN | beginning of leading sequence R = any purine (AG) N = any nucleotide base (ATCG) - actually, any character.
Key to text fields: Purines [minimum consecutive] - [maximum consecutive] Leading [minimum length] - [maximum length] Return top [number of sequences] Truncate to [number of bases] Purines - indicates the size range of consecutive purines searched for. Leading - indicates the size range of leading sequence. The minimum length is also also used to truncate the output sequences leaders. Return top - indicates the number of sequences to return as output. Truncate to - indicates the number of bases to which each output is shortened. Only the sequence following the consecutive purines is truncated, until it has a length of zero if neccessary. The consecutive purines are never trucated. Scoring: 10 points for each consecutive purine (within Purines range) 1 point for each leading base (within Leading range) 0.5 points for each leading base (if purines start before minimum leading)