How do I use Phoelix ?

Before you start: Phoelix uses template matching to calculate cross-correlation points used for filament straightening: Retrieve parameters files: To begin running running PHOELIX interactively:

> s_am filename.f template

You will need to:

  1. Select snake box points and direction of template to use.
  2. Check the cross-correlation points, delete some if necessary I would not recommend adding any new ones.
  3. Check the spline curve, this displays how your filament will be straightened.
  4. Check the zeroes of the ctf and corrent if necessary.
  5. Check the peak range for the tilt and range search, correct if necessary.

All displays are now in TCL/TK format, to use:

  1. click left mouse button to select point
  2. to delete a point, move cursor over cross and click right mouse button
  3. to scroll image, hold down middle mouse button and move image
  4. to close window go to menu and select quit or use ctrl-Q it is not necessary to select save, the programs automatically saves the points when quiting

When PHOELIX is finished it generates about thirty files, now you can check some of the important files.

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