Welcome to the

University of Southern California


Pre-College Enrichment Academy

World Wide Web Home Page

The University of Southern California Neighborhood Academic Initiative sponsors programs that deliver educational and social services primarily to low-income minority junior and senior high school scholars and their families who live in the communities contiguous to the University of Southern California. Utilizing public and private resources, and USC faculty/staff volunteers, the Neighborhood Academic Initiative administers the following programs:

USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy

Through an elaborate recruitment, interview and orientation process, 70 seventh grade scholars, 35 from each of two local junior high schools, are usually admitted to the USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy each year. Starting in junior high school and continuing throughout senior high school, these 70 highly motivated scholars (capable of doing "C" work in all subjects) are engaged in a variety of learning experiences designed to enable them to acquire the educational and social skills they will need to gain admissions to and flourish in a college or university of their choice. Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 A.M. throughout the academic year, scholars take college preparatory classes on the USC campus in Language Arts -- reading , writing and public speaking, and College Skills Development -- problem solving, note taking, time management, decision making and critical thinking. These classes are accepted by the Los Angeles Unified School District as part of the scholars' regular school requirements. Tutoring in all subjects offered in the Academy and regular junior high school curriculum is provided Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 P.M. on the USC campus throughout the academic year. In addition to the regular classes conducted during the week, scholars attend the USC Aetna Saturday Academy from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON. In the USC/Aetna Saturday Academy, scholars take courses in Mathematics, Language Arts, Computer Usage and Science. Lunch is provided all scholars after the end of each Saturday Academy in the USC Residential dining hall. A comprehensive crisis intervention and counseling program is offered all scholars and parents, helping them cope with distractions, problems and challenges that emanate in the Academy, the home school, community and home. A licensed clinical social worker and four academic counselors provide group and individual counseling for scholars and parents during the week and on Saturdays at USC. A major feature of the Pre-College Enrichment Academy's comprehensive program is its financial incentive. Scholars who fulfill all requirements according to the Academy's contract, and qualify for admission to the University of Southern California, will be provided a full scholarship to complete an undergraduate degree. If a former Academy scholar obtains an undergraduate degree from another college or university, he or she will be offered financial assistance to cover two years of graduate study at USC.

Family Development Institute

Research clearly shows that when parents get involved in the educational process, their children's attitude about learning becomes more positive, school attendance is enhanced and overall grades improve. As a consequence, parents/guardians or advocates of the scholars in the USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy are required by contract to participate in the Family Development Institute. The Institute offers workshops and seminars in parenting, citizenship acquisition, human sexuality, nutrition, cultural awareness, intra-family conflict resolution, employment skills enhancement and other areas that will help low-income families prepare their children for educational, occupational and social success. In addition, classes are offered in English as a Second Language (beginning and advanced), Spanish as a Second Language, Literacy, Computer Usage and Mathematics. Family Development Institute Programs and activities are usually conducted Saturdays on the USC campus.

Retention Program

Helping Academy scholars flourish academically and socially, then graduate from the University of Southern California is the primary goal of the Retention Program. To that end, Academy scholars will be provided an array of learning experiences, i.e., cooperative learning clusters, counseling, faculty support groups, supplemental instruction and community projects, to keep them firmly committed to and focused on their educational goals.

Research and Development

The Research and Development component will evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Initiative's programs. Pre and post attitudinal surveys and academic achievement tests will be administered to each incoming Pre-College Enrichment Academy class and a corresponding control group in the home junior high schools. The results of the surveys and tests will be analyzed at the end of each school year to determine whether or not the Academy is significantly more effective in producing positive student outcomes in attitudes and academic achievement than the regular school program. This component will also work with the NAI administrative staff to develop teaching strategies and curriculum modules designed to render the Academy scholars capable of competing on the college level.




Recruiting students with average academic abilities then, through a resolutely applied matrix of teaching strategies, advanced curriculum materials, counseling approaches, tutoring, mentoring, parental involvement and assistance to help them aquire the insight, knowledge and skills necessary to render them college capable is the fundamental goal of the USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy. So far, the USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy has had outstanding success, as the scholars' median scores on the 1993/94 California Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) Indicate.



READING 60%ile 20%ile

MATH 72%ile 31%ile



READING 68%ile 28%ile

MATH 72%ile 32%ile



READING *42%ile 16%ile

MATH 72%ile 20%ile



READING 64%ile 18%ile

MATH 75%ile 28%ile

* The comparatively low median score in this area might well be attributed to the fact that this class was exposed to four different English teachers during the 1993/94 academic year, two of whom elected not to adhere to our educational and behavioral models. In addition, seven new students were introduced into the mix mid-year, having not been previously exposed to the academic rigors of the Academy.

Click here to see more information on NAI Director James C. Fleming.

Click here to see information about the Independent Pre-College Enrichment Academy.

Kurt Whittaker


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