The Academic and Community Advancement Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization seeking funding, resources and facilities for the Independent Pre-college Enrichment Academy (IPCEA). As founder and director of the Academic and Community Advancement Foundation , under which the IPCEA will function, Dr. James C. Fleming's unparalleled record of success as Director of the USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy speaks for its self. Click here to see some of the data on the success of the USC Pre-College Enrichment Academy.
Using the highest standards of excellence, the Independent Pre-College enrichment Academy (IPCEA) will provide culturally diverse, multi-ethnic students a of advanced educational experiences that will equip them with the skills, knowledge and wisdom to obtain admission to and graduate from our nation's most prestigious colleges and universities. Students will be afforded group and individual counseling, tutoring and mentoring, enabling them to understand and prosecute their responsibilities as scholars. Parents, guardians and advocates will attend classes designed to enhance their understanding of the educational process through the Family Development Institute, which will be located within the IPCEA complex.
During the 240 day academic year, Independent Pre-College Enrichment Academy scholars will be exposed to a comprehensive and relentlessly challenging curriculum, emphasizing math, science, language arts, foreign language, culture, character and career development. Through it's school-to-work curriculum module, the IPCEA will implement a career-insight program, the goal of which will be to expose students to the responsibilities inherent in the world of work. The Shadow Effect Program, created to enable students to accompany executives through eight hours of their work day two times a year, will be the centerpiece of the school- to-work curriculum module.
Students will be obligated to conduct an approved eight-week Research and Personal Commitment Project created to enable them to contribute to a community service agency of their choice. The primary goals of this project will be to afford students the opportunity to develop their research skills and gain an in-depth understanding of society through direct community involvement.
College and university faculty from various disciplines will alternate teaching a Motivation and Learning Theory class to all Academy students. Students will be expected to perform according to the standards of a college-level, undergraduate class.
Our Academy scholars will invite students from around the world to participate in The International Student Exchange, a multi-phasic educational and cultural program, featuring reciprocal visits to designated foreign and domestic locations. The International Student Exchange will culminate in a year-long project in which students will collaborate on the development of a world constitution, then live in an isolated community according to the principals contained therein.
Through the IPCEA's Performance Academy, weekly workshops and seminars will be conducted in the Academy to train incoming teachers, administrators, and parents in the methods used by the Academy to work with it's diverse student population. Two six-week cycles a semester will be devoted to training practitioners from external agencies who are committed to learning and implementing the Academy's Educational/Behavioral models.
With it's open organic system. the Independent Pre-College Enrichment Academy will welcome innovative/functional program proposals from the academic and business communities designed to better prepare its students for the world of advanced learning and work.
Kurt Whittaker
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