Hi! That's me in the foreground. I used to have time to go to the beach, but now I work full time here at Scripps, then go off to law school at night. I just keep the picture around for old time's sake. I've been doing most of my web maintenance on our main page. Look there (www.scripps.edu/milligan) for details on what we do and how we do it! I apologize for the primitive appearance here. Have a look around anyway.
Live video of the lab (if the camera is on)
My curriculum vitae in HTML form (if you are having trouble sleeping).
Phoelix helical image processing package, including the appropriate manuscripts.
Some previously published data (actin, actomyosin, microtubule)
A bit about the 1971 Ford Mustang that I've been driving since 1976
Links to some sites, biological and otherwise
Revell 1/32 slot cars!! Have a look at some cool toys.
Pics from the Monterey Historic Races (my thanks to Mark Yeager)
Pics from the 2002 Chrsyler Classic vintage races in San Diego
Michael Whittaker