Michael A. Whittaker
Email: mike@scripps.edu
Foley & Lardner, San Diego, CA, 2001-Present: Associate
Patent prosecution, trademarks, licensing, litigation support, and counseling;
Member of Biotechnology and Chemistry practice groups
Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP, San Diego, CA, 2000-01: Associate, intellectual property group
Lyon & Lyon LLP, La Jolla, CA, 1998-2000: law clerk, intellectual property group
The Scripps Research Institute, Department of Cell Biology, La Jolla, CA; 1987-1998: Scientific associate; research emphasis in biophysics and structure of muscle
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Baltimore, MD; 1984-87: Laboratory Scientist
Electro-Nucleonics Inc., Columbia, MD; 1983-84: Laboratory Scientist
University of San Diego School of Law, San Diego, CA; J.D., Magna Cum Laude, 2000
Dean’s Award for Highest Cumulative Graduating Grade Point Average
Order of the Coif
San Diego Law Review, Fall 1997; Reevaluating the Food and Drug Administration Stand on Labeling Genetically Engineered Foods, 35 San Diego L. Rev. 1215 (1998).
Student Representative, "Teaching 2000" Committee, Technology Subcommittee
Author of "Internet and its Regulation" chapter (with Professor Stuart Benjamin), Telecommunications Law and Policy, Carolina Academic Press, 2001
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO; M.S.,1983, Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine, CA; B.S., 1980, Biological Sciences
CREDENTIALS AND Professional Associations
Admitted to the California Bar
Registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Member, American Society for Cell Biology; American Association for the Advancement of Science; San Diego Bar Association
Member, San Diego BIOCOM Medical Devices Committee
Invited Speaker
Biotechnology and the Law Conference, Chicago-Kent College of Law, 2002
Seventh Gordon Research Conference on Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules, Henniker, NH, 1997
Xth EUREM, Granada, Spain, 1992
XIIth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, Seattle, WA, 1990
Warburg, R. and M. Whittaker. (2002) Strategies for obtaining maximum protection of IP in the proteomic and genomic field. Patent World, June/July, No. 143, pp. 12-15.
Rice S., A. W. Lin, D. Safer, C. L. Hart, N. Naber, B. O. Carragher, S. M. Cain, E. Pechatnikova, E. M. Wilson-Kubalek, M. Whittaker, E. Pate, R. Cooke, E. W. Taylor, R. A. Milligan and R D. Vale. (1999) A Structural Change in the Kinesin Motor Protein That Drives Motility. Nature 402: 778-784
Nogales, E., M. Whittaker, R.A. Milligan and K.H. Downing (1999) High-Resolution Model of the Microtubule. Cell 96:79-88.
Whittaker, M. and R.A. Milligan. (1997) Conformational changes due to calcium-induced calmodulin dissociation in myosin I-decorated F-actin revealed by cryoelectron microscopy and image analysis. Journal of Molecular Biology 269:548-557.
Sosa, H., D.P. Dias, A. Hoenger, M. Whittaker, E. Wilson-Kubalek, E. Sablin, R.J. Fletterick, R.D. Vale and R.A. Milligan. (1997). A model for the microtubule-Ncd motor protein complex obtained by cryo-electron microscopy and image analysis. Cell 90: 217-224.
Kisseberth, N., M. Whittaker, D. Weber, C.S. Potter and B. Carragher. (1997). emScope: A tool kit for control and automation of a remote electron microscope. Journal of Structural Biology 120:309-319.
Celia, H., J.D. Jontes, M. Whittaker and R.A. Milligan. (1996) Two-dimensional crystallization of brush border myosin I. Journal of Structural Biology 117:236-241.
Carragher, B., M. Whittaker and R.A. Milligan. (1996) Helical processing using PHOELIX. Journal of Structural Biology 116:107-112.
Whittaker, M., E.M. Wilson-Kubalek, J.E. Smith, L. Faust, R.A. Milligan and H.L. Sweeney. (1995) A 35Å movement of smooth muscle myosin on ADP release. Nature 378:748-751.
Whittaker, M., B.O. Carragher and R.A. Milligan. (1995) PHOELIX: A package for semi-automatic helical reconstruction. Ultramicroscopy 58:245-259.
Rayment, I., H.M. Holden, M. Whittaker, C.B. Yohn, M. Lorenz, K.C. Holmes and R.A. Milligan. (1993). Structure of the actin-myosin complex and its implications for muscle contraction. Science 261:58-65.
Hessler, D., S.J. Young, B.O. Carragher, M. Martone, J.E. Hinshaw, R.A. Milligan, E. Masliah, M. Whittaker, S. Lamont, and M.H. Ellisman (1992). SYNU: Software for visualization of 3-dimensional biological structures. Microscopy 22:73-82.
Kauffman, F.C., M. Whittaker, I. Anundi and R.G. Thurman (1991). Futile cycling of a sulfate conjugate by isolated hepatocytes. Molecular Pharmacology 39:414-420.
Milligan, R.A., M. Whittaker and D. Safer (1990). Molecular structure of F-actin and location of surface binding sites. Nature 348:217-221.
Kauffman, F.C., M. Whittaker, M.Z. Badr and R.G. Thurman (1990). Effect of epinephrine on glycogen phosphorylase a in various preparations of rat liver. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B: Comparative Biochemistry 96:113-118.
Badr, M.Z., J.A. Handler, M. Whittaker, F.C. Kaufmann and R.G. Thurman (1990). Interactions between plasticizers and fatty acid metabolism in the perfused rat liver and in vivo: Inhibition of ketogenesis by 2-ethylhexanol. Biochemical Pharmacology 39:715-721.
Kaufmann, F.C., L.H. Davis and M. Whittaker (1990). Activation of glycogen phosphorylase in rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells and isolated hepatocytes by organophosphates. Biochemical Pharmacology 39:347-354.
Anundi, I., F.C. Kaufmann, J.M. teKoppele, H. Yamamaka, M. Whittaker, J.A. Popp, and R.G. Thurman (1989). Adenine nucleotides and carbohydrates in subpopulations of hepatic nodules with normal and compromised microcirculation. Cancer Research 49:3282-3286.
Kauffman, F.C., M. Badr, S.A. Belinsky, M. Whittaker, and R.G. Thurman (1988). Role of mitochondria on zone-specific toxicity to the liver lobule. In: International Conference on Integration of Mitochondrial Function. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 591-604.
Kauffman, F.C., L.H. Davis, and M. Whittaker (1987). Release of intracellular calcium: A novel action of organophosphates. 6th Medical Chemical Defense Bioscience Review: 115-122.
Whittaker, M., P.M. Sokolove, R.G. Thurman, and F.C. Kauffman (1985). Stimulation of 3-benzo(a)pyrenal glucuronide hydrolysis by calcium activation of microsomal beta-glucuronidase. Cancer Letters 26:145-152.