Discussions from business meetings
October 6, 2000
EM Stuff - the final analysis
1)The microscopes
- pumping the full film cassettes for a few hours before putting them in
the microscope helps the vacuum to recover quicker - it is suggested that
you begin the day by turning on the pump and turn it off when you're ready
to take pictures; this is normally 1-2 hours and will save leaving the
pump on overnight.
- put the microscope on cryo and remove the dewar last thing in the day
(if nobody else wants to use it).
- make sure there is always one full N2 tank attached to each of the
microscopes (order from Airgas) - watch out for the wires at the back of
the CM200 when you change the tanks over.
2)Microscope dark room
- P205: - check P205 every time in BOTH desiccators;
take petri dishes to dark room, put under snorkel, allow to hydrate;
NB the dish now contains phosphoric acid - do not add water - pour
contents into pots in right-hand sink to be removed by waste disposal;
wash petri dish with water and leave to dry;
return dry petri dishes to microscope dark rooms
- the N2 bursts don't really work in the tanks (but the tanks don't leak)
and the parts are expensive to replace. As long as the developer and fixer
are changed regularly (400-500 pictures and ~1000 pictures respectively)
this isn't really a problem. Use the heavy gloves to agitate the racks and
avoid getting photochemicals on everything else.
- there'll be a log sheet in the CM200 room, as in the CM120 room, to
check that the films/P205/whatever is changed regularly (NB changing films
means getting fresh film from MB209 coldroom and allowing it to warm up on
shelf - if there are spare yellow film boxes in the dark room at the
beginning of the day, then get fresh film before you start.
- when will the water be back on after flood? - still don't know
- replace em racks in darkroom
3)The dark room
- follow Cara's instructions for using the print processor;
- replace developer (dektol) and fixer when you finish it (payment to be
organised equally between all labs);
- don't allow print processor to run dry;
- print processor works best with lid off;
- the floor is pretty dirty - should we have a rota for cleaning?;
- it's OK to leave the laser on for a few hours but not longer: check
camera is in cupboard at the end of day so it doesn't get stolen and turn
off laser (Anchi is looking after the laser). Do not adjust anything on
the laser.
- the PDS is pretty much OK at the moment
- the Zeiss is also pretty much OK (except for Brian) - the main problem
seems to be SCSI errors between the scanner and the computer. These might
be overcome by replacing SGI with PC but could result in more problems at
the outset so perhaps is best to stick with the setup we have for time
- Zeiss owes us more light bulbs for the SCAI
- on catalase crystals, the PDS and SCAI give equivalent qualities of maps
(Mark Daniels, pers. comm.)
- see Kelly for information/lessons
- abide by sign up rules:
- 1 "high priority" and 1 "night time" slot per person per week, booked
not more than one week in advance. Slots run from 9am - 5pm and from 5pm -
2am. The 9-5 slot counts as high priority on any day (including the
weekend). If the microscope is not in use by 9:30am then it is free for
anyone to use. If you don't plan on using the microscope or are
unavoidably detained, then please email everybody/ call in to let
everybody know. A list of phone numbers will be put down in MB32.
- 1 day at a time per person per week
- use the general email system (em-group@scripps.edu) to let people know
about broken things/free microscope slots etc
- should we assign people to be responsible/to blame for specific pieces
of equipment?
- is journal club frequency OK - it is once every 2 weeks at the moment
but perhaps more people would come if it was once a month?
- it would be useful to have these general business meetings (at
lunchtime) more regularly, perhaps once every 3 months. So expect the next
one in the new year.
February 9, 2001
1) rotary pumps in the 2 microscope dark rooms: Chris and Abel are going
to move both of these out into MB32; the pump in the CM120 sounds sick
(sparks are reported to fly) so they will check this and the oil levels in
both and this will enable all the cassettes for both microscopes to
be pumped even if one pump is broken. This arrangement may mean that
everybody will need to be more careful about moving fresh film around to
prevent exposure. Light-tight boxes will be investigated but in the
meantime, please be careful to fold down the tops of the film packets.
Also, please see the very artistic diagram in the darkrooms (to be moved
outside I suppose) of how the dessicators should be left to prevent P2O5
going all over the cassettes.
2) ordering of general supplies will remain ad hoc for the time being but
will be reorganised in the fall.
3)the dewar in the CM120 room which seems to be broken will be replaced
(Anchi is ordering)
4) Marianna will take care of the broken film racks - she will leave a box
for broken ones on the table just inside the door of MB32.
5) Isabelle will check with Brian about the best thing to do about the
Zeiss scanner and its SCSI errors.
6) Abel will organise a service for the PDS and reconnect the Mac to the
network in the CM200 room (is that right?)
7) there seems to be a leak in the CM120 goniometer - this is
blocked when a stage is in the microscope, so for the time being leave the
negative stain stage in all the time until the next time Bob Murphy stops
8) remember to clean the tips of the cold stages to ensure hairs, dust etc
don't get transferred into the microscopes.
9) one thing that we forgot in the meeting was that the circular tops
which cover the insulation of the cryo-transfer units (does that make any
sense?) are coming off - Marianna said something to me about sending them
back to Gatan but I can't remember what that was - can you let me know?
10) an all-encompassing website to help in the organisation of jobs was
suggested. I'll have a go at this but if I get stuck I might need some