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You used up the demo time of EMMENU. You have to decide now whether you want to buy EMMENU now or not. Contact TVIPS stuff.
You have to enter the license code just once. It is stored in the registry in the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and therefore available for all users.
Every program dealing with lots of images has the problem how to display the images in a comfortable way. The most spread way is to display each image in a separate window. The big disadvantage of this concept is that it is very nasty to bring your desired image to the top if many windows are on the screen. The viewport concept behaves like a single window ( here in TCL with a draw area of 1280x1024 pixel ). This area may be divided in the so-called viewports. Within EMMENU the viewports are square and have the selectable sizes 256x256, 512x512 or 1024x1024. Whenever an image has to be displayed, it is displayed in the next viewport. If the last viewport has been used, it starts again from the beginning and overwrites already displayed data. It is important to realize that only the display area is overwritten, the image data of the previously displayed image is not touched. In the EMMENU the last displayed image has a red border whereas all the other ones have green borders.
The accelerator keys ( like F5 for the screen saver ) are bound to the main window. That means that the main window MUST be the active window to enable the accelerator key handling. If any of the dialog boxes is active, this dialog box rejects this key stroke.
The configuration files set internal EMMENU variables accordingly to the available hardware in and around the computer ( memory, camera, TEM, etc. ). Also initial EMMENU values are set here. Experienced users may edit those files to adapt the software to their wishes.
The contents of the configuration files varies very much between the installations, so that an easy to use dialog that covers all the possibilities and user's wishes is quite impossible. It is much more flexible ( and faster ) to change the configuration with an ascii file editor ( like notepad ). Besides that, a TVIPS stuff member will edit the configuration file during installation and adapt it both to the available hardware and the user's wishes. If the installation is performed only by the user, TVIPS will support this user with adapted configuration files, either by floppy disk or internet.
There are several possibilities to print, depending on what you want to do.
No, clicking with the left mouse button into the display area ( and holding the left mouse key pressed while moving the mouse ) shows you the scaled currently visible greyvalue. Due to the fact that this is an open system and the user has (nearly) anytime read and write access to this screen, it is impossible to keep in mind where this displayed image comes from and what the actual greyvalue at the pixel position would be. To get information about real 16bit grey value information at a certain pixel position you will have to start LINESCAN or click on the small button labeled [>] to switch into zoom mode.
Try to hit the SPACE key once. If an action ( e.g. acquisition of an image series ) is interruptable, it reacts on the space key. Note that it sometimes takes a while until an action may be interrupted. DON'T hit the space key several times, because if the action is interrupted there are one or more hits of the space key left in the message queue, each program has under Windows NT. As soon as the control is back to the dialog box, Windows NT will check, whether there are unhandled keys in the queue and will react on them. Under Windows NT there is no difference clicking on a button of the dialog box or to hit the space key ( if and only if the button has the focus ). I.e. hitting the space key several times will interrupt an action, restart it, interrupt it again, restart it, etc. until all hits of the space key are out of the queue.
The EM-file format was subject to a major change a time ago, so the main
difference is the file header. While the old EM-file format has a 256 byte header
with 40 float user values, the new format has a 512 byte header and the data type
of the user data is stored in 32bit integers.
Old EM-file format | New EM-file format | |||
Offset | data type | Number of bytes | Comment |
0 | byte | 1 | always 0 |
1 | byte | 1 | 0 ( means now: Old format ) |
2 | byte | 1 | always 0 |
3 | byte | 1 | data type: 1-byte, 2-int(16bit), 4-int(32bit), 5-float(32 bit), 8-complex(2*float) |
4 | long | 4 | number of pixels in X direction |
8 | long | 4 | number of pixels in Y direction |
12 | long | 4 | number of images in this file |
16 | string | 80 | zero terminated comment string, i.e. max. 79 chars usable |
96 | float | 4 | high tension [kV] |
100 | float | 4 | spherical abberation [mm] |
104 | float | 4 | illum. aperture [mrad] |
108 | float | 4 | electron optical magnification [x 1000] |
112 | float | 4 | post magnification [x 1] |
116 | float | 4 | focal length [mm] |
120 | float | 4 | defocus [nm] |
124 | float | 4 | astigmatism [nm] |
128 | float | 4 | astigmatism [mrad] |
132 | float | 4 | voltage of Biprism [V] |
136 | float | 4 | specimen tilt angle [mrad] |
140 | float | 4 | specimen tilt direction [mrad] |
144 | float | 4 | illum. tilt angle [mrad] |
148 | float | 4 | illum. tilt direction [mrad] |
152 | float | 4 | Mode: 0 = image, 1 = diffraction |
156 | float | 4 | energy spread [eV] |
160 | float | 4 | chromatically abberation [mm] |
164 | float | 4 | not used |
168 | float | 4 | not used |
172 | float | 4 | not used |
176 | float | 4 | CCD pixels in x and y direction |
180 | float | 4 | CCD offset in x direction |
184 | float | 4 | CCD offset in y direction |
188 | float | 4 | CCD single pixel size [m m] |
192 | float | 4 | CCD binning factor |
196 | float | 4 | CCD readout speed [kHz] |
200 | float | 4 | CCD gain ( 0 = low, 1 = high ) |
204 | float | 4 | CCD sensitivity [ADU/primary electron] |
208 | float | 4 | CCD exposure time [ms] |
212 | float | 4 | flatfield correction done ( 0 = no, 1 = yes ) |
216 | float | 4 | dead pixel correction done ( 0 = no, 1 = yes ) |
220 | float | 4 | mean value [ADU] |
224 | float | 4 | standard deviation [ADU] |
228 | float | 4 | not used |
232 | float | 4 | not used |
236 | float | 4 | not used |
240 | float | 4 | not used |
244 | float | 4 | Minimum [ADU] |
248 | float | 4 | Maximum [ADU] |
252 | float | 4 | Quality factor for statistic calculation [%] |
Offset | data type | Number of bytes | Comment |
0 | byte | 1 | always 0 |
1 | byte | 1 | 1 ( means now: New format ) |
2 | byte | 1 | always 0 |
3 | byte | 1 | data type: 1-byte, 2-int(16bit), 4-int(32bit), 5-float(32 bit), 8-complex(2*float) |
4 | long | 4 | number of pixels in X direction |
8 | long | 4 | number of pixels in Y direction |
12 | long | 4 | number of images in this file |
16 | string | 80 | zero terminated comment string, i.e. max. 79 chars usable |
96 | long | 4 | high tension [V] |
100 | long | 4 | spherical abberation Cs [m m] |
104 | long | 4 | illum. aperture [m rad] |
108 | long | 4 | electron optical magnification [x 1] |
112 | long | 4 | post magnification [x 0.001] |
116 | long | 4 | CCD exposure time [ms] |
120 | long | 4 | CCD pixels in x and y direction |
124 | long | 4 | CCD pixel size ( incl. binning) [m m] |
128 | long | 4 | not used |
132 | long | 4 | image length [nm] |
136 | long | 4 | defocus [0.1 nm] |
140 | long | 4 | not used |
144 | long | 4 | not used |
148 | long | 4 | not used |
152 | long | 4 | not used |
156 | long | 4 | not used |
160 | long | 4 | not used |
164 | long | 4 | not used |
168 | long | 4 | spec. tilt angle [mdeg] |
172 | long | 4 | spec. tilt deg. [mdeg] |
176 | long | 4 | not used |
180 | long | 4 | not used |
184 | long | 4 | not used |
188 | long | 4 | CCD offset in x direction [pixels] |
192 | long | 4 | CCD offset in y direction [pixels] |
196 | long | 4 | not used |
200 | long | 4 | not used |
204 | long | 4 | not used |
208 | long | 4 | CCD binning factor x and y |
212 | long | 4 | not used |
216 | long | 4 | not used |
220 | long | 4 | not used |
224 | long | 4 | not used |
228 | long | 4 | CCD sensitivity [ADU/e] |
232 | long | 4 | not used |
236 | long | 4 | not used |
240 | long | 4 | not used |
244 | long | 4 | not used |
248 | long | 4 | Date (Julian date) |
252 | long | 4 | not used |
If the 4 bytes at positon 256 are not $77777777, then the rest of the header is not used, i.e. normally filled with 0. If $77777777 is however at position 256 then the layout below is valid. The reason for this structure is historically. If the magic number $77777777 is available, the program should use the float data stored between the offsets 260 and 423, since they are used completely. ( All data are in big endian format )
Offset | data type | Number of bytes | Comment |
256 | long | 4 | Magic value $77777777 |
260 | float | 4 | high tension [kV] |
264 | float | 4 | spherical abberation [mm] |
268 | float | 4 | illum. aperture [mrad] |
272 | float | 4 | electron optical magnification [x 1000] |
276 | float | 4 | post magnification [x 1] |
280 | float | 4 | focal length [mm] |
284 | float | 4 | defocus [nm] |
288 | float | 4 | astigmatism [nm] |
292 | float | 4 | astigmatism [mrad] |
296 | float | 4 | voltage of Biprism [V] |
300 | float | 4 | specimen tilt angle [mrad] |
304 | float | 4 | specimen tilt direction [mrad] |
308 | float | 4 | illum. tilt angle [mrad] |
312 | float | 4 | illum. tilt direction [mrad] |
316 | float | 4 | Mode: 0 = image, 1 = diffraction |
320 | float | 4 | energy spread [eV] |
324 | float | 4 | chromatically abberation [mm] |
328 | float | 4 | not used |
332 | float | 4 | not used |
336 | float | 4 | not used |
340 | float | 4 | CCD pixels in x and y direction |
344 | float | 4 | CCD offset in x direction |
348 | float | 4 | CCD offset in y direction |
352 | float | 4 | CCD single pixel size [m m] |
360 | float | 4 | CCD binning factor |
364 | float | 4 | CCD readout speed [kHz] |
368 | float | 4 | CCD gain ( 0 = low, 1 = high ) |
372 | float | 4 | CCD sensitivity [ADU/primary electron] |
376 | float | 4 | CCD exposure time [ms] |
380 | float | 4 | flatfield correction done ( 0 = no, 1 = yes ) |
384 | float | 4 | dead pixel correction done ( 0 = no, 1 = yes ) |
388 | float | 4 | mean value [ADU] |
392 | float | 4 | standard deviation [ADU] |
396 | float | 4 | not used |
400 | float | 4 | not used |
404 | float | 4 | not used |
408 | float | 4 | not used |
412 | float | 4 | Minimum [ADU] |
416 | float | 4 | Maximum [ADU] |
420 | float | 4 | Quality factor for statistic calculation [%] |
If the 4 bytes at positon 424 are not $66666666, then the rest of the header is not used, i.e. normally filled with 0. If $66666666 is however at position 424 then the layout below is valid. There are no units specified, since the values are highly microscope dependent. ( All data are in big endian format )
Offset | data type | Number of bytes | Comment |
424 | long | 4 | Magic value $66666666 |
428 | float | 4 | Spotsize |
432 | float | 4 | Intensity |
436 | float | 4 | Beam shift X |
440 | float | 4 | Beam shift Y |
444 | float | 4 | Image shift X |
448 | float | 4 | Image shift Y |
452 | float | 4 | Goniometer X |
456 | float | 4 | Goniometer Y |
460 | float | 4 | Goniometer Z |
464 | float | 4 | Goniometer Alpha |
468 | float | 4 | Goniometer Beta |
472 | float | 4 | Future, must be 0 |
476 | float | 4 | Future, must be 0 |
480 | float | 4 | Future, must be 0 |
484 | float | 4 | Future, must be 0 |
The bytes in the header between 488 and 511 are not yet used and should be 0
The coordinate system is defined as follow (n - number of columns, m - number of lines):
An angle between two point is defined in degree and is increasing for rotation in mathematically positive sense.
E.g.: (128/128) - (256/128): 0 degree; (128/128) - (256/64): 45 degree
Have a look in the dialog "Output".
If there is an error message 53 or 2001 visible or the message "9901 -- CCD camera error / Camera not initialized. Use CCDINIT first. ", then the contact to the camera is missing. Maybe the camera controller ( with the temperature display ) is switched off, or one of the cables between computer and the controller or between the controller and the camera head is loose or the connectors are not correct in their sockets.
Also check in the configuration file that the correct camera controller is selected.
Due to a locking in the camera board, it is necessary to reset this board. Depending on the motherboard it is sometimes enough to logout, re-login and restart TCL/EMMENU, but mostly you will have to shutdown NT, switch the computer off ( reset is sometimes not enough ) and reboot.
Flatfielding is a shading correction process and is required to make corrections for variations in the CCD's responsivity. There are several reasons making flatfielding necessary:
All those corrections can be performed due to the extremly high linearity of the CCD chip.
There are 2 images required for the flatfield correction. A so-called "dark image" D, an exposure without any light falling on the CCD chip, and a so-called "flat image" F, an exposure where the chip is even illuminated ( and no object is projected to the chip ). The flat-corrected image C is computed out of the uncorreced image U by the formula:
C := ( U - D ) / ( F - D )
Yes, you need a pair flatfield/darkfield for each combination of the readout formats, camera gains, the readout speeds, the shutter types and high tensions you will use. Using the wrong flatfield will result in wrong corrections of the image data, like over~ or undercorrection. In the EMMENU the correct flatfield and darkfield are loaded automatically accordingly to the current format/gain/readout-speed/shutter/HT settings.
It is difficult to specify a time. Some use the same flatfields for month, some acquire new flatfields daily. Due to many possible reasons (mechanically, temperature, electronical lifetime, etc.) the sensitivity of the CCD chip changes, also there might be a change in the scintillator coupling, etc. All those reasons might change the uncorrected image in such a way, that the formerly acquired flatfields will no longer correct the image as desired. This is the latest moment where you will have to acquire new flatfields.
Obviously the remote control to the TEM is not working. Therefore the EMMENU has to wait for the timeout of the remote control software. See "The remote control does not work. What could be wrong ?"
Leave the EMMENU ! Open the dialog Direct TCL command (if it is not already open) and type in the following commands in that succession:
Command to be typed | Comment |
TEMCLOSE | If an error occurs, ignore it. This command is just to be in a defined state. |
TEMOPEN XXX 9600 | Replace XXX by the name of the serial interface where the remote control cable is connected to the computer (e.g. "COM1" ) |
PCOMM | Now the TEM should answer its name and software version |
TEMCLOSE | Clean up |
Please go through the following check list
If there is still no remote control, shutdown Windows NT, switch the computer completely off ( just a reset might not be sufficient ), switch it on again, reboot and go through the list above. If there is still no remote control possible, ask TVIPS stuff for additional checks.
The EMMENU only supports a fix list of high tensions and magnifications. Those high tensions have to be specified in the microscope.conf configuration file and the magnifications have to be specified in the mag.conf configuration file. Ensure that the free high tension control is switched off. Check whether the high tension or the magnification is entered correctly in the list.