
B.Sc. (Hons) University of Melbourne, Australia

Ph.D. (Chemistry) California Institute of Technology

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Columbia University

Current Position:

Professor, Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology

The Scripps Research Institute

Other Appointments:

Macromlecular Structure and Function C Study Section (NIH), 2009-2013

Council of the Biophysical Society, 2009-2012.

Editorial Board, Biophysical Journal, 2006-2012.

Program Chair, 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, 2005.

Contact: David Millar

The Scripps Research Institute

Dept. of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology (MB19)

10550 N Torrey Pines Rd

La Jolla, CA 92037


David P. Millar, Principal Investigator