Source: Interfolio F180

Tiantian Liu

Assistant Professor
Department of Immunology and Microbiology


Research Focus

Antigen-presenting cells are important immune regulators that play a central role in activating T cell-mediated immunity.  To capture, process, and present antigens from various origins, a diverse group of antigen-presenting cells has evolved, each with specialized functions in directing T cell differentiation.  The Liu Lab studies the molecular mechanisms that govern the development and function of antigen-presenting cells.  Our primary focus is on characterizing the gene regulatory networks underlying immune cell lineage specification and the unique functions of each antigen-presenting cell subset.  Our long-term goal is to leverage these insights to develop innovative therapies that modulate T cell responses for the treatment of infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.


2010-2016     Ph.D. (Cell Biology), Wuhan University, China

2006-2010     B.S. (Biology), Wuhan University, China

Professional Experience

2025- Present
Assistant Professor, Department of Immunology & Microbiology
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA

Instructor, Department of Pathology & Immunology
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

Postdoctoral Associate, Dr. Kenneth M. Murphy’s Laboratory
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

Selected Publications

Ou, Feiya; Liu, Tian-Tian; Desai, Pritesh; Ferris, Stephen T.; Kim, Sunkyung; Shen, Haolin; Ohara, Ray A.; Jo, Suin; Chen, Jing; Postoak, J. Luke; Du, Siling; Diamond, Michael S.; Murphy, Theresa L.; Murphy, Kenneth M. Optimization of the Irf8 +32-kb enhancer disrupts dendritic cell lineage segregation. Nature Immunology 2024, 25, 2043-2056.

Liu, Tian-Tian; Ou, Feiya; Belk, Julia A.; Bagadia, Prachi; Anderson, David A.; Durai, Vivek; Yao, Winnie; Satpathy, Ansuman T.; Murphy, Theresa L.; Murphy, Kenneth M. Cis interactions in the Irf8 locus regulate stage-dependent enhancer activation. Genes & Development 2023, 37, 291-302.

Liu, Tian-Tian; Kim, Sunkyung; Desai, Pritesh; Kim, Do-Hyun; Huang, Xiao; Ferris, Stephen T.; Wu, Renee; Ou, Feiya; Egawa, Takeshi; Van Dyken, Steven J.; Diamond, Michael S.; Johnson, Peter F.; Kubo, Masato; Murphy, Theresa L.; Murphy, Kenneth M. Ablation of cDC2 development by triple mutations within the Zeb2 enhancer. Nature 2022, 607, 142-148.

Bagadia, Prachi*; Huang, Xiao*; Liu, Tian-Tian*; Durai, Vivek; Grajales-Reyes, Gary E.; Nitschké, Maximilian; Modrusan, Zora; Granja, Jeffrey M.; Satpathy, Ansuman T.; Briseño, Carlos G.; Gargaro, Marco; Iwata, Arifumi; Kim, Sunkyung; Chang, Howard Y.; Shaw, Andrey S.; Murphy, Theresa L.; Murphy, Kenneth M. An Nfil3-Zeb2-Id2 pathway imposes Irf8 enhancer switching during cDC1 development. Nature Immunology 2019, 20, 1174-1185.

Liu, Tian-Tian; Yang, Qing; Li, Mi; Zhong, Bo; Ran, Yong; Liu, Li-Li; Yang, Yan; Wang, Yan-Yi; Shu, Hong-Bing. LSm14A Plays a Critical Role in Antiviral Immune Responses by Regulating MITA Level in a Cell-Specific Manner. The Journal of Immunology 2016, 196, 5101-11.