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Rapp UR, Cleveland JL, Brightman K, Scott A, Ihle JN. Abrogation of IL-3 and IL-2 dependence by recombinant murine retroviruses expressing v-myc oncogenes. Nature 317:434-438, 1985. [PubMed Link]

Blasi E, Mathieson B, Varesio L, Cleveland JL, Borchert PA, Rapp UR. Selective immortalization of murine macrophages from fresh bone marrow by a raf/myc recombinant murine retrovirus. Nature 318:667-670, 1985. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Jansen HW, Bister K, Frederickson TN, Morse HC III, Ihle JN, Rapp UR.  Interaction between raf and myc oncogenes in transformation in vivo and in vitro. J Cell Biochem 30:195-218, 1986. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Rapp UR, Farrar WL. Role of c-myc and other genes in IL-2 regulated CT6 T lymphocytes and their malignant variants. J Immunol 138:3495-3504, 1987. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Huleihel M, Bressler P, Siebenlist U, Akiyama W, Eisenman R, Rapp UR.  Negative regulation of c-myc transcription involves myc family proteins. Oncogene Res 3:357-375, 1988. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Dean M, Rosenberg N, Wang JYJ, Rapp UR. Tyrosine kinase oncogenes abrogate interleukin-3 dependence of murine myeloid cells through signaling pathways involving c-myc transcription by temperature sensitive v-abl. Mol Cell Biol 9:5685-5695, 1989. [PubMed Link]

Askew DS, Ashmun RA, Simmons BC, Cleveland JL. Constitutive c-myc expression in an IL-3 dependent myeloid cell line suppresses cell cycle arrest and accelerates apoptosis.  Oncogene 6:1915-1922, 1991. Commentaries: J NIH Res 4:48, 1992; Science 259:760, 1993; J NIH Res 8:31, 1996. [PubMed Link]

Roussel MF, Cleveland JL, Shurtleff SA, Sherr CJ. Myc rescue of a mutant CSF-1 receptor impaired in mitogenicsignaling. Nature 353:361-363, 1991. [PubMed Link]

Bello-Fernandez C, Packham G, Cleveland JL. Ornithine decarboxylase is a transcriptional target of c-myc. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 90:7804-7808, 1993. [PubMed Link]

Askew DS, Ihle JN, Cleveland JL. Activation of apoptosis associated with enforced myc expression in myeloid progenitor cells is dominant to the suppression of apoptosis by Interleukin-3 or erythropoietin. Blood 82:2079-2087, 1993. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Troppmair J, Packham G, Askew DS, Lloyd P, Ihle JN, Rapp UR. v-raf suppresses apoptosis and promotes growth of Interleukin-3-dependent myeloid cells. Oncogene 9:2217-2226, 1994.[PubMed Link]

Packham G, Cleveland JL. Ornithine decarboxylase is a mediator of c-Myc-induced apoptosis. Mol Cell Biol 9:5741-5747, 1994. [PubMed Link]

Packham G, Cleveland JL. c-Myc and apoptosis. BBA Reviews on Cancer 1242 (1):11-29, 1995. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Ihle JN. Contenders in Fas/TNF Death Signaling. Cell 81:479-482, 1995. [PubMed Link]

Katzav S, Packham G, Sutherland M, Aroca P, Santos E, Cleveland JL. Vav and ras induce fibroblast transformation by overlapping signaling pathways which require c-Myc function. Oncogene 11:1079-1088, 1995. [PubMed Link]

Hiebert S, Packham G, Strom D, Haffner R, Oren M, Zambetti G, Cleveland JL. E2F-1:DP1 induces p53 and overrides survival factors to trigger apoptosis. Mol Cell Biol 15:6864-6874, 1995. [PubMed Link]

Packham G, Ashmun R, Cleveland JL. Cytokines suppress apoptosis independent of changes in reactive oxygen levels. J. Immunol. 156:2792-2800, 1996. [PubMed Link]

Packham G, Porter CW, Cleveland JL. c-Myc induces apoptosis and cell cycle progression by separable, yet overlapping, pathways. Oncogene 13:461-469, 1996. Commentaries: J. NIH Res. 8:32-33, 1996. [PubMed Link]

Packham G, Cleveland JL. Induction of ornithine decarboxylase by IL-3 is mediated by sequential c-Myc< independent and c-Myc-dependent pathways. Oncogene 15:1219-1232, 1997. [PubMed Link]

Packham G, White EL, Yang H, Eischen CM, Parganas E, Ihle JN, Grillot DAM, Zambetti GP, Nuñez G, Cleveland JL. Selective regulation of Bcl-XL by a Jak kinase dependent pathway is bypassed in hematopoietic malignancies. Genes & Dev. 12:2475-2487, 1998. [PubMed Link]

Braun JS, Novak R, Bodner S, Cleveland JL, Tuomanen EI. Neuroprotection by a caspase inhibitor in acute bacterial meningitis. Nature Medicine 5:298-312, 1999. [PubMed Link]

Dai H, Kramer DL, Yang C, Murti KG, Porter CW, Cleveland JL. The polyamine oxidase inhibitor MDL-72,527 selectively induces apoptosis of transformed hematopoietic cells through lysosomotropic effects. Cancer Res. 59:4944-4954, 1999. [PubMed Link]

Eischen CM, Weber JS, Roussel MF, Sherr CJ, Cleveland JL. Disruption of the ARF-Mdm2-p53 tumor suppressor pathway in Myc-induced lymphomagenesis. Genes & Dev. 13:2658-2669, 1999. [PubMed Link]

Wen R, Wang D, McKay C, Bunting KD, Marine J-C, Vanin EF, Zambetti, GP, Korsmeyer SJ, Ihle JN, Cleveland JL. Jak3 Selectively Regulates Bax and Bcl-2  Expression to Promote T Cell Development. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:678-689, 2001. [PubMed Link]

Baudino TA, Cleveland JL. The Max network gone Mad. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:691-702, 2001. PMCID: 86661. [PubMed Link]

Maclean K, Yang H, Cleveland JL. Serum suppresses myeloid progenitor apoptosis by regulating iron homeostasis. J. Cell. Biochem. 82:171-186, 2001. [PubMed Link]

Eischen CM, Woo D, Roussel MF, Cleveland JL. Apoptosis Triggered by Myc-Induced Suppression of Bcl-XL or Bcl-2 is Bypassed During Lymphomagenesis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:5063-5070, 2001. PMCID: 87232. [PubMed Link]

Drissi R, Zindy F, Roussel MF, Cleveland JL. c-Myc-mediated regulation of telomerase activity is disabled inimmortalized cells. J. Biol. Chem. 276:29994-30001, 2001. [PubMed Link]

Pendeville H, Carpino N, Marine J-C, Takahashi Y, Muller M, Martial JA, Cleveland JL. The Ornithine Decarboxylase gene is essential for cell survival during early murine development.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 21: 6549-6558, 2001. PMCID: 99801. [PubMed Link]

Eischen CM, Packham G, Nip J, Fee BE, Hiebert SW, Zambetti GP, Cleveland JL.  Bcl-2 is a shared apoptotic target for c-Myc and E2F-1. Oncogene. 20:6983-6993, 2001. [PubMed Link]

Eischen CM, Roussel MF, Korsmeyer SJ, Cleveland JL. Bax loss impairs Myc-  induced apoptosis and circumvents the selection of p53 mutations during Myc-mediated lymphomagenesis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:7653-7662, 2001. PMCID: 99936. [PubMed Link]

Eischen CM, Rehg JE, Korsmeyer SJ, Cleveland JL. Loss of Bax Alters Tumor Spectrum and Tumor Numbers in ARF-Deficient Mice. Cancer Res. 62:2184-2191, 2002. [PubMed Link]

Baudino T, McKay C, Pendeville-Samain H, Nilsson JA, Maclean KH, White EL, Davis AC, Ihle JN, Cleveland JL. c-Myc is essential for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis during development and tumor progression. Genes & Dev. 16:2530-2543, 2002. PMCID: 187450. [PubMed Link]

Alt JR, Greiner T, Cleveland JL, Eischen CM. Mdm2 haploinsufficiency profoundly inhibits Myc-induced lymphomagenesis. EMBO J. 22:1442-1450, 2003. PMCID: 151074. [PubMed Link]

Baudino TA, Maclean KH, Brennan J, Parganas E, Yang C, Aslanian A, Lees JA, Sherr CJ, Roussel MF, Cleveland JL. Myc-mediated proliferation and lymphomagenesis, but not apoptosis, are compromised by E2f1 loss. Mol. Cell. 11:905-914, 2003. [PubMed Link]

Maclean KH, Keller UB, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Nilsson JA, Cleveland JL. c-Myc augments gamma irradiation induced apoptosis by suppressing Bcl-XL. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23:7256-7270, 2003. PMCID: 230315. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland, JL. A new piece of the ALS puzzle. Nature Genetics 34:357-358, 2003. [PubMed Link]

Nilsson JA, Maclean KH, Keller U, Pendeville H, Baudino TA, Cleveland JL. Mnt loss triggers Myc transcription targets, proliferation, apoptosis, and transformation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 24:1560-1569, 2004. PMCID: 344188. [PubMed Link]

Nilsson JA, Cleveland JL. Mnt: Master regulator of the Max network. Cell Cycle 3:588-590, 2004. [PubMed Link]

Cleveland JL, Sherr CJ. Antagonism of Myc Functions by Arf. Cancer Cell 6:309-311, 2004. [PubMed Link]

Nilsson JA, Nilsson L, Keller UB, Yokota Y, Boyd K, Cleveland JL. Id2 is Dispensable for Myc-Induced Lymphomagenesis. Cancer Research 64:7296-7301, 2004. [PubMed Link]

Nilsson JA, Keller UB, Baudino TA, Yang C, Norton S, Brennan JA, Neale G, Porter CW, Kramer DL, Cleveland JL. Targeting ornithine decarboxylase in Myc-induced lymphomagenesis prevents tumor formation. Cancer Cell. 7:433-444, 2005. [PubMed Link]

Hemann MT, Bric A, Herbst A, Felstein J, Cordon-Cardo C, Cleveland JL, Tansey WP, Lowe SW. Evasion of the p53 tumor surveillance network by tumor-derived myc mutants. Nature 436:807-811, 2005. Commentaries: Nature 436:787-789, 2005. [PubMed Link]

Wen R, Chen Y, Bai L, Fu G, Schuman J, Dai, X, Zeng H, Yang C, Stephan RP, Cleveland JL, Wang D. Essential role of phospholipase C-2 in early B cell development and Myc-mediated lymphomagenesis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26:9364-9376, 2006. PMCID: 1698523. [PubMed Link]

Carew JS, Nawrocki ST, Kahue CN, Zhang H, Yang C, Chung L, Houghton JA, Huang P, Giles FJ, Cleveland JL. Targeting autophagy augments the anticancer activity of the histone deacetylase inhibitor SAHA to overcome Bcr-Abl-mediated drug resistance. Blood 110:313-322, 2007. PMCID: 1896119. [PubMed Link]

Keller U, Old JB, Nilsson JA, Nilsson L, Maclean KH, Yang C, Spruck C, Nakayama KI, Reed SI, Cleveland JL. Myc Targets Cks1 to Provoke the Suppression of p27Kip1, Proliferation and Lymphomagenesis. EMBO J. 26:2562-74, 2007. Commentary: Nature Rev. Cancer 7:7, 2007. PMCID: 1868903. [PubMed Link]

Maclean KH, Kastan MB, Cleveland JL. Atm Deficiency Affects both Apoptosis and Proliferation to Augment< Myc-Induced Lymphomagenesis. Mol. Cancer Research. 5:705-711, 2007. [PubMed Link]

Hall MA, Cleveland JL. Clearing the TRAIL for Cancer Therapy. Cancer Cell 12:4-6, 2007. [PubMed Link]

Sanjuan MA, Dillon CP, Tait SWG, Moshiach S, Dorsey F, Connell S, Komatsu M, Tanaka K, Cleveland JL, Withoff S, Green DR. Toll-like receptor signaling in macrophages links the autophagy pathway to phagocytosis. Nature 450:1253-1258, 2007. [PubMed Link]

Maclean KH*, Dorsey FC*, Cleveland JL**, Kastan MB**. Targeting lysosomal degradation induces p53 dependent cell death and prevents cancer in mouse models of lymphomagenesis. J. Clin. Investigation 118:79-88, 2008. PMCID: 2148253. (** co-senior author) [PubMed Link]

Carew JS, Nawrocki ST, Reddy VK, Bush D, Rehg JE, Goodwin A, Houghton JA, Casero RA, Jr., Marton LJ, Cleveland JL. The Novel Polyamine Analogue CGC-11093 Enhances the Anti-Myeloma Activity of Bortezomib. Cancer Res. 68:4783-4790, 2008. PMCID: 2749595. [PubMed Link]

Rodrigues CO, White EL, Nerlick S. Cleveland JL**, King, ML**. A Myc-Slug/Twist regulatory circuit directs vascular development. Development 135:1903-1911, 2008. (** co-senior author). PMCID: 2741485. [PubMed Link]

Garrison SP, Jeffers JR, Yang C, Nilsson JA, Hall MA, Rehg JE, Yue W, Yu J, Zhang L, Onciu M, Sample JT, Cleveland JL, Zambetti GP. Selection Against PUMA Gene Expression in Myc-Driven B Cell Lymphomagenesis. Mol. Cell. Biol 28:5391-5402, 2008. PMCID: 2519737. [PubMed Link]

Rounbehler RJ, Li W, Hall MA, Yang C, Fallahi M, Cleveland JL. Targeting Ornithine decarboxylase impairs development of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma. Cancer Res. 69:547-553, 2009. PMCID: 2749594. [PubMed Link]


Maclean KH, and Cleveland JL. Chemoresistance and Apoptosis (in Childhood Leukemias) Ed. Pui C (in press) 2005.

Carew JS, Nawrocki ST, Cleveland JL. Modulating Autophagy for Therapeutic Benefit.  Autophagy 3:464-467, 2007.

Dorsey FC, Steeves MA, Prater SM, Schröter T, Cleveland JL. Monitoring the Autophagy Pathway in Cancer. Methods Enzymology 453:251-271, 2009.

Steeves MA, Dorsey FC, Cleveland JL.Targeting the autophagy pathway for cancer chemoprevention. Current opinion in Cell Biology 22:218-225, 2010. PMCID: 2854265.




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