Scientific Diversity Association

The Scientific Diversity Association (SDA) is a supportive community of scientists historically excluded from academia, generally, and STEM, specifically. Our goal is to support the recruitment, retention and promotion of qualified scientists regardless of background and to ensure Scripps Research is a proactive, nurturing environment for all people. To that end, we host events that focus on community-building, education, direct action and social organizing.

We welcome all members of the Scripps Research community (e.g. graduate students, postdocs, non-research staff, etc.) to join our general monthly meetings and events.

To stay connected and up-to-date on all SDA meetings/events, please join our email list or connect with us on Instagram or Twitter.

Notice: Campus interest groups are independent entities and are not official units of Scripps Research. Therefore, Scripps Research is not responsible for the acts or omissions of or views and opinions expressed by campus interest groups and/or any members/persons acting on behalf of the groups.


Executive Committee Officers

Jinny Lee, President 
Graduate Student, Janda Lab

Alex Tsui, Executive Director
Graduate Student, Ward Lab

Andrew Su, Faculty Liaison
Professor, Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology

Rocio Servin, Secretary
Post-doctoral associate, Patapoutian Lab

Julia Jones, Treasurer
Graduate Student, Yang Lab

Aleix Navarro Garrido, Marketing Vice President
Graduate Student, Saez Lab

Keishla Sánchez Ortiz, Student Vice President
Graduate Student, Encalada Lab

Sorina Chiorean, Scientist and Staff Vice President
Post-doctoral associate, Dawson Lab

Pengxi Chen, International Vice President
Post-doctoral associate, Wong Lab


If you’d like to submit a link to a resource related to URM/LGBTQ+/International/etc. issues in academia, please contact to be added.