Vol 9. Issue 35 / November 16, 2009

In Brief

Office of Technology Development Offers Internship Opportunities
The Scripps Research Office of Technology Development, which is responsible for commercializing the technologies and discoveries that result from the research at the institute, is offering a new internship program for Scripps Research graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The position of approximately eight to 12 hours per week is available for individuals who want to learn more about intellectual property and technology commercialization. Interns will participate in a formal training series on the basics of technology transfer, conduct market assessments, direct marketing efforts for select technologies, and gain exposure to ongoing negotiations between the Office of Technology Development and industry partners. The first group of interns will be participate in the program from January to September 2010. For more information, see the internship flyer or contact Donaldson Santos at dgarcias@scripps.edu or (858) 784-8721.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu



Help Fill a Child's Stocking

Marcia McRae of employee volunteer group ScrippsAssists says there is still time to sign up to help a disadvantaged family during the holiday season through Home Start's Adopt-a-Family Program. For a sign up form or more information, contact McRae, mjmcrae@scripps.edu or x4-8402.